Peli Pro Team

pelican pro team micah weber

Micah Weber


Micah Weber is a professional photographer and avid outdoorsmen. Having moved nearly 30 times in 30 years, being on the go is a natural state of mind. Currently located in the central coast of California, Micah has access to the ocean, mountains and desert, all within a few hours - making it the perfect spot to strike out on adventure.

If he’s not on a trip or spending time outside with his beautiful wife and two kids, you can find him in the garage welding, cutting, modifying and generally making a giant mess. Micah’s photographs have appeared on everything from magazine covers, city buses to billboards, and even annoying junk mail.

pelican pro team micah weber tacoma
pelican pro team micah weber overland underbudget
pelican pro team overland micah weber
pelican pro team micah weber travel photographer
